Know all the Numbers
Rock Oak takes care of business accounting and tax so you can stay focused on the bigger picture.
Rock Oak offers a whole suite of business accounting and taxation services to streamline your admin and add value to your operation. In some ways accounting is seen as the grocery shopping of business - necessary for survival but often burdensome (and dare we say boring). However, good accounting ensures compliance and offers valuable data for making informed business decisions. Get the right partner in your corner with Rock Oak.

Payroll Tax: As businesses grow, it’s inevitable that payroll tax will become a topic of discussion. The rules around payroll tax are extremely complex and the office of state revenue is well known for being notorious in conducting regular audits. Our payroll service helps you avoid any unnecessary confusion or penalties.
Xero Cloud Payroll: Rock Oak’s Payroll software of choice. With 24/7 accessibility, easy customisation, and a simple-to-use interface, Xero Cloud Payroll allows us to work nimbly and efficiently to keep your payroll in check and reduces costs for your business.